Best WordPress Affiliate Link Management Plugins

Written by

Leo Koo Seng Yik

Modified on

29th August 2023
WordPress Plugins

Have you considered affiliate marketing recently as a source of income? Or perhaps like myself, you’re in the midst of setting up a startup and have heard of content marketing. Affiliate marketing comes hand-in-hand with content marketing as a great way to monetise your content, while you work on building traffic via fresh, consistent content.

In this article, we bring you the best of WordPress Affiliate Link Management plugins. If you want to know which is the best, or if you have been searching for a comparison between Pretty Link Pro versus ThirstyAffiliates, read on after the break.

WordPress Affiliate Link Management Plugins : An Introduction

In affiliate marketing, link management is crucial as you might want to test out various links, switch links the moment your affiliate switches platforms, or even sell your site once you hit a certain amount of revenue per month. But that is if you’re only focused on affiliate marketing.

However, if you have aspirations for a startup like yours truly, then affiliate marketing is only part of the Content Marketing package. Others would include building a viable software that solves a problem out there which others aren’t doing. Or an acute market need. But even then, WordPress affiliate link management plugins plays a crucial role in monetising your fledging site, compared to hoping on Google Adsense or some ad network for monetisation.

WordPress Affiliate Link Management Plugins : Pretty Link Pro vs ThirstyAffiliates

In the WordPress sphere, two WordPress affiliate link management plugins stand out. They’re after all, among the most widely installed link management plugins. Pretty Link Lite (the non-pro version of Pretty Link Pro) leads the game with two hundred over thousand installs, while ThirstyAffiliates only does ten thousand plus installs. But Pretty Link Lite has been in the game for far longer than ThirstyAffiliates.

Featurewise, Pretty Link Pro and ThirstyAffiliates comes with totally different models and ability to expand. While ThirstyAffiliates allow you the ability to create your own funky extension, or to super power them with some others, Pretty Link Pro only gives you what they currently offer.

WordPress Affiliate Link Management Plugins : Features to look out for

For basic affiliate marketing needs, both Pretty Link Pro and ThirstyAffiliates come with the ability to auto-link keywords. Pretty Link Pro as part of the entire Pretty Link Pro package, while ThirstyAffiliates via their AutoLinker add-on.

In the same way, they both have features such as the ability to export your affiliate links via a CSV file and statistics about your affiliate links. Statistics would help you gauge the effectiveness of your content marketing campaign. As previously, ThirstyAffiliates offers these as part of their add-ons package while Pretty Link Pro has everything included.

The advantage that ThirstyAffiliates hold against Pretty Links Pro are the ability to easily add Amazon products to your site, the ability to add Google Analytics to the clicks on your affiliate links and finally, the ability to Geo-target your readers and present them different links. All these features are available via reasonably priced add-ons.

WordPress Affiliate Link Management Plugins : Which should you purchase?

After going through the features, we now help you decide the best WordPress Affiliate Link Management plugin for your site. Should you go with Pretty Link Pro, or would ThirstyAffiliates be a better choice?

For us, it boils down to what you need. If you’re on a budget and just need auto-linking within your content, then both plugins would do, with Pretty Link Pro having a slight advantage over ThirstyAffiliates.

However, if you would like to have something extensible that you can work with, or perhaps hire some developers to build on, then ThirstyAffiliates is our choice.

If you plan to monetize via Amazon or iTunes, ThirstyAffiliates is the best way to ensure your articles gets monetized easily, without the need to login to Amazon or iTunes to find the link. For people who run personal blogs, tech sites and even review sites, the ability to easily find and add Amazon products makes ThirstyAffiliates an essential tool.

WordPress Affiliate Link Management Plugins : A Conclusion

While building content for your site is essential, remember that affiliate marketing is a valuable resource to help you monetize your content. This effectively helps you SEO building strategy while helping you keep your company bootstrapped.

As such, don’t miss out getting either ThirstyAffiliates or Pretty Link Pro on your site.

Visit ThirstyAffiliates

Visit Pretty Link Pro

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