Running an online business is tough. First, you need to work hard to gain traction while building a product that people want. Then, you need to offer support. Frankly, once you’ve gained traction, support then takes up a lot of time and resources. Especially if you run a software business.
In the world of premium WordPress plugins, support requests is a major reason premium plugins like WooCommerce’s various Extensions and Gravity Forms increase their price. There are simply too many variables in WordPress and it gets frustrating when the customer uses a multipurpose theme that crashes the perfectly working plugin. Or when some plugin conflict occur.
Having worked for FooPlugins for two years as well as my online store for more than that, I’ve handled my fair share of support tickets. Many times, it’s the same question all over again. And you might face the same too, with your software, product, online store or even digital marketing service.
Did you know that 67% of your customers prefer self-help support instead of opening a ticket? But the existing knowledge bases don’t really do their job. Until Support Hero that is.
With Support Hero, your knowledge base no longer play second fiddle to your help desk and live chat. Rather, due to Support Hero’s unique offering, your support tickets deflection rates go up to 50. This improves user satisfaction as well as your support team’s workload.

Support Hero Review: An Introduction
Before the AppSumo deal for Support Hero, I’ve never heard of them. But like the many AppSumo deals, Support Hero is a gem that changes the way I look at Knowledge Base forever.
You see, having used HelpScout extensively in FooPlugins, I thought that Support Hero is just another one of those knowledge base apps. After all, how different could Support Hero be from HelpScout’s built-in knowledge base? Plus, HelpScout has a help desk ticketing system, while Support Hero doesn’t.
And talking about knowledge bases, there are already so many knowledge base software out there. What difference could Support Hero make?
But as I need a proper knowledge base for my current as well as future ventures, and having been pleasantly surprised by deals such as LessChurn and Leadworx, I decided to delve deeply into understanding the Support Hero deal.
In the process, I checked out the following apps:
- Support Hero
- HelpDocs
- HelpJuice
- HelpSite
- GetGuru
- HelpScout Docs
- Intercom Articles
- Zendesk Guide
- Helpie
- HeroThemes Knowledge Base Plugin
- KBPublisher
- SlimFaqs
- TimeLapse
And after going through every single app, I am impressed with Support Hero.

Support Hero Review: The Strengths
You see, Support Hero is the only knowledge base app that focuses on reducing support tickets by serving your knowledge base at the right time and the right place.
With industry leading features such as below, it is hard to beat Support Hero:
- The ability to embed the knowledge base into your app or website. The only other knowledge base app doing this is HelpScout Docs.
- The ability to serve contextual results to your users depending on where they are on your website/application. This reduces user frustration as they don’t need to scroll through irrelevant information to get help.
- Support Hero also comes with the Smart Contact Form feature. This means, when your user reaches out to the contact form, they are instead made to search the knowledge base first. Users get their questions answered fast and you avoid the ‘avoidable tickets’. Only HelpSite does this as well.
- Support Hero features live chat integration with Intercom, Zopim, Drift and Freshchat. But if you already bought the ConvertFox lifetime deal, ConvertFox integration is a priority on the roadmap! Again, only a few other knowledge base apps feature live chat integration, though it helps with support.
- Finally, Support Hero doesn’t just give you the search analytics. Every other app does this. Support Hero goes a mile further and gives you support ticket analytics. This means, you know what your users type when creating a ticket. This helps you tune your knowledge base to the keywords used and help your users better. Now, no other knowledge base apps does this.

See, those are amazing features that only Support Hero has. In other words, these are Support Hero’s unique selling points. Unlike other apps that costs way more but does way less, Support Hero has been well thought out.
Support Hero Review: Weaknesses
But Support Hero isn’t perfect. While it is good in reducing support tickets, there are things that Support Hero could improve on. Here are some items that Support Hero could do better.
- Versioning. Versioning is crucial to make sure that you get to roll back to a earlier version if you’ve made an error. Zendesk Guide and Nuclino has this.
- XML Sitemap. Yes, Support Hero is well built and optimised for SEO. But having an XML Sitemap would make it better as it tells search engines that these knowledge base articles are important.
- Publish API. Most of the time, you would not need to embed stuff in your knowledge base. But what if you need to? The ability to embed a CodePen, video or image makes a knowledge base so much more powertful. Again, Nuclino lets me do this easily.
- Access Rights. Access rights is crucial especially when you work in a team. As the administrator, you can assign access rights to edit certain articles as well as restrict access to some.
As you can see, there are no perfect knowledge base app out there. As much as I like Support Hero, it might not suit your needs.
Support Hero Review: Should you get it?
But should you get a Support Hero license? In my humble opinion, you should definitely buy as many as needed. And then stack some more for future use.
The AppSumo Support Hero deal is generous indeed. For only $49, you get the medium plan, which goes for a normal price of $99/month. Over three years (for a typical website), you will save $3564, countless support tickets and headaches.
Here is the medium plan below.
Medium Plan – $99/month
- 3 admins
- 2 languages
- Unlimited articles
- Advanced Unlimited Analytics
And the AppSumo Lifetime Deal for Support Hero.

Support Hero Review: The Conclusion
If you run a website, an online store or an app, you won’t go wrong with Support Hero as your knowledge base. Heck, please get Support Hero even if you are already on knowledge bases like Zendesk, HelpScout and GetGuru.
The lifetime Support Hero deal makes Support Hero irresistible. I’ll definitely be grabbing a couple more licenses before the deal ends. Hope you do so too as I don’t see them returning for an encore deal.