LoginPress Review: Upgrade Your WordPress Login

Name: LoginPress
Description: LoginPress is a login management plugin for WordPress that upgrades your WordPress login page, giving it superpowers.
Offer price: $39
Currency: USD
Operating System: WordPress
Application Category: Utility
Future Updates
User Review
( votes)Summary
LoginPress is a login management plugin for WordPress that upgrades your WordPress login page, giving it superpowers. Among others, it adds security, a custom look and a social login that will delight your users
- Social Login makes it easy for users to login
- The Limit Login Attempts extension will help with site security
- Adnan and the WPBrigade team are known to deliver great products
- Lacks WooCommerce Integration
- Needs some minor tweaks to make it a true winner
Have you ever forgotten the password to your site and had to reset the password? Or worse, do you use the same password across multiple sites to avoid the hassle of resetting your passwords?
If that is you, you might want to read our LoginPress review, an interesting WordPress plugin that adds more than just a pretty login page to your site.

LoginPress Review: The Introduction
Custom Login Pages are dime a dozen in the WordPress world. Personally, we used to install either SeedProd’s Custom Login Page and Easy Login Styler Pro to customise the look of our clients’ login page. Back then, I thought that these plugins were the best out there.
So when I was first introduced to LoginPress while chatting with Adnan after last year’s Analytify deal on AppSumo, I was not won over. It is just another custom login page plugin, or so I thought.
A few days later, I had the time and chance to explore LoginPress’ features, and I was blown away.
You see, LoginPress isn’t just a custom login page plugin. Rather, LoginPress brings much value to sites with its cutting-edge features, which will get better as Adnan and team continues fleshing out the plugin.
However, I didn’t get onboard the LoginPress bandwagon back then, as $199 per year for unlimited sites, was a little too much for me. After all, we were still working out the sweet spot for our WordPress care plan prices.
But after almost a year of silence, I heard of LoginPress again. The LoginPress deal landed on AppSumo and there was an unlimited sites option. I bought the codes immediately.
I’ve since installed LoginPress to a couple of sites and it has worked seamlessly. Furthermore, LoginPress brings a hosts of features that massively upgrades the vanilla WordPress login page.
If you are on the fence or have not bought LoginPress yet, do continue reading our LoginPress review below.
Why LoginPress Premium?
As mentioned previously, LoginPress comes with a series of features that upgrades your existing WordPress login page. These features includes:
- Social Login
- Auto Login
- Limit Login Attempts
- Login Redirects
- Google ReCaptcha
Separately, these features don’t really amount to much. Other than the Social Login, you can get some of these features though the installation of various free plugins. But LoginPress delivers them in a beautiful package that works seamlessly.
Here’s the LoginPress features that we like:
1) Social Login
This is my favourite feature especially since I’ve worked on membership sites. With a social login option, we can make it easier for older members of a membership site to easily login, without the need to contact us for help.
LoginPress’ Social Login helps us add visible value to our Care Plan customers, who otherwise won’t enjoy the benefit of social login.While I like the Social Login extension, I feel that LoginPress could take some future feature ideas from Nextend’s Social Login. This includes:
- WooCommerce Integration
- Social Login on WordPress Comments
- User Roles – Forbid certain roles from using the Social Login extension
2) Auto Login
If you manage a site and would like to give access to others without giving them a password, the Auto Login extension helps you do that.
The issue with the Auto Login extension though, is that we cannot set an expiry after a certain amount of logins. That would make it a more compelling feature.
3) Limit Login Attempts
The Limit Login Attempts extension is a must if you run a popular site, or have been hacked before. If you do not have a Web Application Firewall (WAF) protection like WebARX or Astra Security, this extension would help you to weed out brute force hackers trying to enter your site.
On the downside though, I can’t find a way to limit the attempted login records, which makes me worried about a bloated database if you have a lot of login attempts.

Should you buy?
LoginPress is great plugin with much potential and is bound to get better. Personally, I have faith in Adnan and the WPBrigade team as I have been an Analytify customer during Adnan’s early days on CodeCanyon. Analytify has since grown to be the leading WordPress Google Analytics plugin, just behind MonsterInsights.
LoginPress Review: The Conclusion
We hope you enjoy our LoginPress review. LoginPress is offered on lifetime for a limited time only. With unlimited sites for a very affordable price of $78, I would urge you to do yourself a favour and grab the LoginPress licenses off AppSumo, before the deal ends.
With a generous 60 days, no questions asked, refund period, you can be assured that you are making the right decision
LoginPress Review: Upgrade Your WordPress Login

Name: LoginPress
Description: LoginPress is a login management plugin for WordPress that upgrades your WordPress login page, giving it superpowers.
Offer price: $39
Currency: USD
Operating System: WordPress
Application Category: Utility
Future Updates
User Review
( votes)Summary
LoginPress is a login management plugin for WordPress that upgrades your WordPress login page, giving it superpowers. Among others, it adds security, a custom look and a social login that will delight your users
- Social Login makes it easy for users to login
- The Limit Login Attempts extension will help with site security
- Adnan and the WPBrigade team are known to deliver great products
- Lacks WooCommerce Integration
- Needs some minor tweaks to make it a true winner