Thrive Headline Optimizer Review

Written by

Leo Koo Seng Yik

Modified on

28th May 2021
WordPress Plugins

Recently I had the opportunity to review the Thrive Headline Optimizer, one of the latest plugins released by ThriveThemes. So how does Thrive Headline Optimizer fare compared to say Kingsumo Headlines and how does it impact your SEO? Also, do you actually need to optimise your headlines?

We answer your questions and more after the break in our Thrive Headline Optimizer Review.

If you are keen to check out our review on the other products by Thrive Theme, here is our collection of reviews on Thrive Themes’ plugins

Thrive Headlines Optimizer Review: An Introduction to headline testing

Headlines are an important aspect of your content marketing and social media efforts In fact, you have 2.6 seconds to win over a new visitor or to lose them for good. If you have read either Upworthy and Huffington Post, you would notice their interesting headlines makes you want to click article after article. That doesn’t mean that they are experts in writing compelling headlines, but rather that they employ some way to test their headlines.

In startup terms, we call that A/B Testing1. Now, A/B Testing isn’t new but a scientific way of measuring things. After all, you could have a few different headline ideas, but how would you know which headline actually performs best unless you test them out? That’s why you see major companies offer money for people to taste their food. In the same way, A/B Testing does what we call as market survey in marketing terms.

While market survey peppers the participants with questions over a few variations of a product and then pays them for their time, A/B testing on websites are automated testing which tests the reaction of your site visitor, click through rates and conversion and then automatically sets the best performing headline up.

Thrive Headline Optimizer Review: Why Thrive Headline Optimizer

The problem with A/B testing is that it is an expensive affair. The process of setting up your A/B headline testing software or perhaps signing up for services like Nelio and Optimizely could cost you to the tune of thousands of USD per year. Plugins like Kingsumo comes without regular updates nor a changelog the last we checked while Title Experiments Pro charges you on a subscription basis.

In comparison, Thrive Headline Optimizer is created by Thrive Themes, a well-known name in the WordPress plugin world. With other plugins such as Thrive Leads, Thrive Content Builder and the latest, Thrive Ultimatum, Thrive Themes has shown a knack for building conversion optimised plugins and supporting them via timely updates and brilliant customer support.

Thrive Headline Optimizer 1

With Thrive Headline Optimizer, you just need to set the various headlines for a post and the software would automatically show your visitors the different headlines while recording the success rates of these headlines. After some time, it will finalise the winning headline and display that permanently on your website.

And how much does Thrive Headline Optimizer cost? A mere USD 67 for a single personal site and USD 97 for unlimited personal sites. This makes Thrive Headline Optimizer a must-have for every blogger and startup owner who wants to get into content marketing. If you combine Thrive Headline Optimizer with perhaps CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer, you get a powerful virtual assistant that help drives traffic to your site.

YouTube video

Thrive Headline Optimizer Review: Conclusion

As we conclude, you can decide to either have a tool that automatically chooses the best headline for you (and with it the best conversion), or you can decide to not bother about conversion. With Thrive Headline Optimizer, you have one of the best tools out there for your site.

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